Believe it or not Glenda, being able to record a Meet and then embed it in your blog is a pretty awesome deal! My first attempt when I did the DFI failed when I couldn't find the recording in my Drive. So big ups to you! Keep doing what you are doing. Nā, M
Prof Blog DFI. Week 7. Empowered Week The continuing story of Manaiakalani is very enlightening through the stories and case studies. The pathway to equity is a life long aspiration for our entire community, more so amongst our disadvantaged. Access, participation and protection. "The greatest joy comes from empowering students to discover the treasures that lie with in them." - to discover how they can be the best version of themselves - to discover their identity and place - to discover life long learning... - to relate and be a valued member of an ever changing society. .... Loved Jacobs examples for our digital future. I would love to be around when we all have a sustainable digitally printed house - My students are already using this in Tech in classes. Have they thought about the global implications in their futures. A reason to empower. So many. Digitally fluent. Use, when and why Digitally capable. Create - Tech to solve problems Computational thin
DFI Day 2 - Post 2 Learning Manaiakalani break down makes much more of sense of everything. RATE Calendar all good though not sure of capacity to get up to speed with add ons. Creating Google meet and record experience enjoyed, especially collaboration part though not enough time given to complete. Sharing Recording now embedded on blog. Need to practice this bit. Google keep - New app on phone going to be very helpful!! Must get on with WWW.
Believe it or not Glenda, being able to record a Meet and then embed it in your blog is a pretty awesome deal! My first attempt when I did the DFI failed when I couldn't find the recording in my Drive. So big ups to you! Keep doing what you are doing. Nā, M